Health Care Tips
Do you have prediabetes? To find out, click here to take a simple test.
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Whole grain foods as part of a healthy diet help you stay healthy by reducing the risk of heart disease, help to manage your weight, reducing cancer risks and reducing the risk of diabetes. Look for whole grain as the first ingredient. Whole grains can come from wheat, rice, corn,…
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Before you begin to exercise, you can easily determine your target heart rate by following these three steps: 1) Subtract your age from 220. If you are 50, your maximum heart rate is 170. Example: 220 - 50 = 170 2) Multiply your maximum heart rate by 0.55 to obtain…
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If you want to lose weight, stop the pop. One 20oz bottle of regular pop has around 17 teaspoons of sugar and approximately 250 calories. Drinking pop also increases your risk of tooth decay and may lower your bone density. Give up that 20oz pop every day for a year and you will…
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The risk factors for diabetes are: People who are over 40 People who are overweight Blood relatives of someone who has diabetes Women who have given birth to babies weighing over 9 pounds or who have suffered frequent miscarriages Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans Watch for warning signs Those at risk need…
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Did you know eating out can be healthy if you make the right choices? Look for these Healthier Preparation methods on the menu: NonSmoking Baked In its own juice Poached Roasted Stir-Fried Broiled Marinara Red sauce Steamed Tomato Base Select broth-based soups like chicken noodle, vegetable barley or minestrone instead…
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Did you know your doctor can help with reducing high blood pressure? Meaning of Numbers for Blood Pressure: Less than 120/80 means your blood pressure is normal Between 120/80 and 139/89 means you're at risk for high blood pressure. 140/90 and above means your blood pressure is high. Top number…
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Did you know a pack a day smoker in Michigan spends about $126.00 a month and approximately $1,640.00 a year just on the cost of the cigarettes. There are additional costs associated with smoking for replacing and repairing clothes and furniture from the damage of smoke and cigarette burns.
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Did you know that eating nuts can help you slim down? Nuts have a unique mix of fiber and healthy fats that helps keep you nourished and satisfied. Nuts offer vitamin B, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, and other essential minerals Limit yourself to about one ounce or two tablespoons of…
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Did you know that if you replace the stick margarine and butter with olive and canola oil you will reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your cholesterol. Use the olive oil as a dip for bread or for sautéing vegetables. Oven roasted vegetables drizzled with olive oil makes…
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Grace Health, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan

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