Grace Health Pharmacy celebrated its 1st anniversary on May 22 by having cake with staff. The anniversary celebrations will continue into the first few weeks of June as we celebrate with patients and visitors to the pharmacy.
With a pharmacy on-site, patients can conveniently fill and pick up their prescriptions the same day as their medical/dental appointment. Grace Health Pharmacy is also open to the public – everyone is welcome. Grace Health has a total of 3 full-time pharmacists and 5 pharmacy technicians. Since the opening of Grace Health Pharmacy, a total of 11,306 patients have been served with 48,331 prescriptions filled.
Grace Health Pharmacy is open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm. For more information about the Pharmacy or to fill a prescription, call 269-441-6774.

Left to right: Wisdom Raynes, CPhT, Pharmacy Technician; Dr. Peter Chang, President/CEO; Shay Mitchell, CPhT, Pharmacy Technician; Kerri Hansen, CPhT, Pharmacy Technician; Michelle Olson, RPh, Pharmacist; Emily Reidenbach, PharmD, Pharmacist; Carrie Nelson, PharmD, Pharmacy Director; Jennifer Schulz, CPhT, Pharmacy Technician; and Lexis Neely, CPhT, Pharmacy Technician