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Celebrating Certified Nurse Midwives

By October 25, 2017July 17th, 2018Health Care News

Although National Midwifery Week is October 1 – 7, 2017, Grace Health is recognizing its nine Certified Nurse Midwives during the month of October. What is a nurse midwife? Some people may think midwives only assist during labor; however, they can do much more. Grace Health’s Certified Nurse Midwives, provide health care to women which means they perform physical exams, prescribe medications, order laboratory tests, provide prenatal care, gynecological care, labor and birth care, and provide education and counseling for women of all ages. They specialize in knowing the difference between normal changes that occur and symptoms that require extra attention. Evidence-based medical care is used when there is a specific concern for the health of mom or baby. Grace Health’s Certified Nurse Midwives work with women during pregnancy and respect the goals and choices of each woman and family.

Grace Health asked some of its patients what they thought of their Midwife. This is what a few of them had to say:

“I had the same midwife through my whole pregnancy. She is amazing. When I was in labor, she was there for me. She jumped in when I was having back labor pains and showed my boyfriend how to push my hips together to relief the back pain. She stayed by my side.” – Kaleana Kidder

“My midwife helped us so much during our labor experience, she not only made me feel as comfortable as possible, she also was there for Julian and had him involved (his main worry was being left out). I first met my midwife during the CenteringPregnancy they offer at Grace Health which I highly recommend. She was able to be there for my entire pregnancy and deliver my baby. We were able to build a special bond which made my experience so much easier. She coached me through the entire 7 hours without pain medication and she knew exactly what she was doing. I’m so thankful for my midwife, I couldn’t have done it without her. To anyone who is considering a midwife I promise you won’t regret it”. – Denise Carpenter

“I saw a midwife for my prenatal care. My midwife helped guide my decision for delivery planning and supported my choices. During labor, my midwife was extremely reassuring in an emergency situation with having to have a C-section”. – Lindsay Wriston

If you have questions about certified nurse midwives or would like to schedule an appointment, call Grace Health at 269-441-3443

CNM 061417 (2)

Heather Foulke, CNM and Hannah Thomas-Gentz, CNM

CNM 061517 (3)

Krista Runyan, CNM; Kerrie Tollerud, CNM; and Bethany Gonzalez, CNM

Lanie Santos CNM 062217 (2)

Lanie Santos, CNM